back when Jeniva was active, they had a website too ( The website has since become inactive. Before abandoning the website, the band left a disbandment message while active. They then changed that page one last time with an updated disbandment message and left it like that until the domain eventually shut down late 2019.
Although the website can still be accessed via the Wayback Machine, the archived version is messy, the page elements are slightly out of place, making it difficult to navigate, and a great deal of the links are dead. This is due to most of the websites that the links are to have since shut down as well.
I have attempted, to the best of my ability, to recreate what the Jeniva website would have looked like while it was active. To my regret, I had to, once again, use Wix for this job, for the sole reason that a website this extremely outdated cannot physically be made on Jimdo.
Please note that the following issues may occur due to it being a Wix site:
One final note on the Jeniva website. Their website manager signs themselves as Nagatsuki Junna. This is the same Junna who plays the keyboard. The band used a variety of stage names. These were mostly real names or imitations of them, which they occasionally changed to different 'real names'. And then there's the usual Sono, Junna, and Sakuya that also appear on the Sou-akuru aka no tsuki CD. Junna is also quoted to have used the full name of 高橋淳和, Takahashi Junna (with a different kanji combination for Junna than he uses in his artist name). After that he changed it to the Nagatsuki Junna that also appears in the message you can find if you scroll lower.
The HP is currently on hiatus because it is under renewal.
The opening for the new website is planned around mid-March.
Please wait just a little longer.
Nagatsuki Junna, website manager
Henceforth the live at UrawaNarciss on October 14th 2006, it has been decided that Jeniva will be disbanding.
After having a talk May this year in which Junna (Key) expressed that he ''wants to leave because of concerns at home'', persuasion to keep going continued, but the determination he held previously grew stronger he could no longer restrain it. As a result of having a talk with all bandmembers, we came to the conclusion that , everything concerned, Jeniva cannot not continue without Junna (Key), and so we have decided to disband.
We cannot apologize enough to you, the fans, who have supported us all this way and the people who have looked after us, for ending it like this.
The year and a half we've had in this music scene has been an amazing year and a half, and the many people we have met will undoubtedly continue to be a support for us.
Moreover, we would be so happy if Jeniva was able to be a support to many people, or if even just one person, and we could have left some memories.
Thank you so much.
From here on out, Sono (Vo) and Yu (Dr) will start a new band, Sakuya (Ba) and Naoki (Support Gt) haven't decided on further activies yet, and Junna (Key) has decided on maintaining a little bit of distance from music for the time being, and will be walking a different path respectively.
From now on are the few remaining activities as Jeniva but, we ask you humbly for your kind support until the end.
2006.08.30 Jeniva
2006年10月14日 浦和NarcissでのLiveを以て、Jenivaは解散 する事に致しました。
今年5月に洵那(Key)から「家庭の事情で脱退したい」との話が あり、なんとか続ける方向での説得を続けましたが、既に本人 の意志も固く、引き止めることはできませんでした。 メンバー全員で話し合った結果、やはり洵那(Key)のいない状 態でJenivaは続けられないという結論に至り、解散を決意致し ました。
今まで応援してきてくれたファンの皆様、お世話になった方々 には、このような結果になってしまい、本当に申し訳なく思っ ています。
この音楽シーンで活動した一年半は素晴らしい一年半でしたし 、たくさんの方々との出会いはこれからも僕達の支えになって いくと思います。
そしてJenivaが一人でも多くの方々の支えとなって、記憶に残 れば嬉しく思います。
今後、苑(Vo)と悠(Dr)は新規バンドを結成、咲耶(Ba)とNaoki(Support Gt)は活動未定、洵那(Key)は音楽から少しの間距離を置くとの ことで、それぞれ別々の道を歩いて行く事になりました。
残り僅かとなったJenivaの活動ですが、最後まで応援よろしく お願いします。
2006.08.30 Jeniva
ex.Jeniva's vocalist Sono and drummer Yu have just formed a new band.
"Matenrou Opera" is the bandname
The first live since its formation will be held on May 4th.
It is expected that there will be limited access to the venue that day, so please reserve your ticked early.
Additionally, the 1st.Single "alkaloid showcase" will be released.
It is scheduled to go on sale from the second half of May in Indies Visual Kei CD stores all accross the country.
† 1st LIVE †
May 4th 2007 UrawaNarciss
Shikkoku no SYMPHONY 25 year anniversary event
●Reserve your ticket at
When you reserve your ticket, please mind the following,
・the date of the live you wish to attend
・the number of tickets
・your name
please write this down and send it to the address above.
Thank you very much for reserving your tickets.
Matenrou Opera Sono、Yu
バンド名は 「摩天楼オペラ」
これに伴い、1st.Single「alkaloid showcase」のリリースが決まりました。
† 1stライブ †
2007年5月4日 浦和Narciss
摩天楼オペラ 苑、悠
ex.Jeniva's vocalist Sono and drummer Yu have just formed a new band.
"Matenrou Opera" is the bandname
The official site can be found here
The first live since its formation will be held on May 4th.
It is expected that there will be limited access to the venue that day, so please reserve your ticked early.
Additionally, the 1st.Single "alkaloid showcase" will be released.
It is scheduled to go on sale from the second half of May in Indies Visual Kei CD stores all accross the country.
† 1st LIVE †
May 4th 2007 UrawaNarciss
Shikkoku no SYMPHONY 25 year anniversary event
●Reserve your ticket at
When you reserve your ticket, please mind the following,
・the date of the live you wish to attend
・the number of tickets
・your name
please write this down and send it to the address above.
Thank you very much for reserving your tickets.
Matenrou Opera Sono、Yu
バンド名は 「摩天楼オペラ」
official siteはこちらになります。
これに伴い、1st.Single「alkaloid showcase」のリリースが決まりました。
† 1stライブ †
2007年5月4日 浦和Narciss
摩天楼オペラ 苑、悠